Business Automation Story
The tremendous benefits from automating business end-to-end

Business Control in Real Time
Business Automation
If I can’t picture it, I can’t understand it
XSOL is a Digital Twin model. This means it replicates the real world in a digital form. All the components of a business – its structure, activities and resources – are linked by the relationships they have with one another. It transforms the productivity and responsiveness of business.
Understanding process in detail is the key to any improvement project and is particularly important for automation where anything less than a 100% fit to the real world can paralyze workflow.
Once you really understand how a process works you are in a position to simplify and improve it. When the process is automated its model enables it to be quickly improved further …even while it is live.
Apart from 100% accuracy of definition the key to automation success is to have an enterprise-wide model of the business. This provides a framework in which all processes will be integrated and data-integrity retained.
Model what happens in real-life
XSOL’s architecture is unique. It replicates what happens in the real world not the world of software development. This means business people can define their own business systems …and to a level of complexity found in tier 1 ERP systems.
Because XSOL’s process definition conforms to real life scenarios it can be overlaid on real world images – diagrams of offices factories, and countries - to help people communicate better what they do. At any point you’re just a click away from any document, spreadsheet, business software function or other digital media.
Cover off everything, especially the exceptions
Presenting processes in a real-world context better enables people to identify how they can be simplified and improved. But in addition XSOL provides Lean analytics and the ability to define other data by which you may wish to analyze business operations.
Issues such as costs, times and risk can be recorded at any level in a business hierarchy from individual tasks to corporate head office and the values aggregated.
Define your core processes end-to-end makes spotting improvement and simplification easy. XSOL makes this possible by first defining workflow (i.e. from desk to desk) and then the tasks that people or robots perform in detail at each point in the workflow.
Automate quickly and tune using live data
Because XSOL processes are defined in a business model not only does it create applications without the need for coding (NoCode) but the integrity of the system as a whole is ensured. This means that when a process is changed the model automatically checks all other processes to ensure that the change doesn’t conflict with another part of the system. Changes can be made and ‘live’ within minutes.
Using XSOL’s ability for rapid change can dramatically reduce system development time by quickly creating an initial automated system and refining this to produce the final version.
It is almost impossible to recall every situation that must be catered for. Only when users see the business in a live situation will ALL the requirements become apparent.
The rewards of a fully automated business can be huge
“…a 10-fold increase in productivity and an 80% reduction in customer response time.”
The main obstacle to a clear picture is getting the correct data from staff and managers. The further away you get from the individual tasks that staff do, the less reliable the story you are told.
For this reason XSOL promotes the use of images of their workplace to better engage with staff when seeking information.
The Simplify stage helps obtain correct data as well as making operational improvements. When people think about what they do they recall new details.
In the model business, all exceptions must be dealt with or processes changed to accommodate them. Unknown issues kill automated systems. Identifying them is a critical part of the Simplify stage.
To-date success for business automation products has been limited. They lack the structure with which processes in the business can be connected progressively.
Without the rules, logic and relationships inherent in a business model you don’t know what parts of a business a change will affect.
Automated workflow enables you to change operations in very short order, because the system tells staff what to do. It alerts staff to changes and offers immediate training.
However, you also need to be able to change the system at a moment’s notice. The model content is verified at the time you key it in so there is no need to test it and it won't crash.
The tremendous benefits from automating business end-to-end
Business Automation
Orchestrating agent activity in outsourced systems has major benefits and automating it is transformational
Business Automation
Read how a business set out to document its processes and ended up lifting its sales by identifying and catering for exceptions.
Business Transformation
Read how a knowledge-rich environment has released the handbrake on collaboration and self-reliance.
Read how XSOL has become a strategic platform for change and improvement within a large organization.
Read how using XSOL to achieve compliance can kick-start your organization on the road to becoming 'self-aware'.
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